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Bomb Icons

Bomb Icons in Jailbreak are created using CS:GO's equipment icons. (AK47, AWP, etc. are all images).

  1. Create the icon in your preferred image editor. (Photoshop, GIMP, etc.) It's recommended to use a SVG format when creating, as we have to convert it to one eventually.
  2. The icon should be rescaled to 64x64.
  3. Convert it to an svg. The SVG should contain only path elements (no text).
  4. It should appear along the lines of this: Braniac.svg
  5. You can test it locally by replacing one of the existing icons in csgo/resources/overviews/ with your own.
  6. Test it ingame to see how it looks


Markers are carefully hand-crafted by plotting out the coordinates for the lines. It is recommended you hop in a 2D grid software system (e.g. Desmos) to plot out the coordinates for the lines.

Example Custom Marker
void Draw_Visor(float origin[3], float radius, int color) {
    float coords[8][3];
    coords[0][0] = 0.55;
    coords[0][1] = 0.7;

    coords[1][0] = -0.05;
    coords[1][1] = 0.7;

    coords[2][0] = -0.15;
    coords[2][1] = 0.6;

    coords[3][0] = -0.15;
    coords[3][1] = 0.3;

    coords[4][0] = -0.05;
    coords[4][1] = 0.2;

    coords[5][0] = 0.55;
    coords[5][1] = 0.2;

    coords[6][0] = 0.675;
    coords[6][1] = 0.3;

    coords[7][0] = 0.675;
    coords[7][1] = 0.6;
    for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(coords); i++) {
        coords[i][2] = origin[2];
        coords[i][0] *= radius;
        coords[i][1] *= radius;
    RotateZ(coords, sizeof(coords));

    for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(coords); i++) {
        coords[i][0] += origin[0];
        coords[i][1] += origin[1];
    DrawPoints(coords, sizeof(coords), color);